Dairy Herd Health Plans
Dairy Co Mastitis Control Plan
Mastitis still represents one of the biggest costs to the UK dairy industry, both in terms of welfare, and financially. The Dairy Co Mastitis Control Plan uses evidence from both Somatic Cell Count and Clinical Mastitis data, in order to produce focused action points, within a whole farm approach. Quarterly monitoring and regular data updates ensure plenty of support and continued involvement throughout the plan.
Josie Rafferty is the current plan user within the practice. Please contact the practice or visit www.mastitiscontrolplan.co.uk for more details.
Interherd is a cattle production and health recording system, providing comprehensive data, which can be used to assess cell counts, mastitis, and fertility. Other uses include production of action lists for drying off, service dates and vet visits; and herd performance and financial predictions. If you are currently milk recording, please contact the surgery so we can start downloading and analysing your farm data.
Lameness Programme
Cattle lameness is one of the most significant health and welfare issues affecting the UK dairy herd today. Much time and profit is lost each year, with the average lameness case costing £350.00. Most of this cost is ‘hidden’, and is due to reduced fertility, increased culling and reduced yield.
Our lameness management scheme is based on DairyCo’s Healthy Feet Programme and aims to help you reduce the number of lame cows on your farm. Our trained vets work alongside you and your herdsmen to monitor, treat and reduce lameness in your herd.
The Scheme includes three initial visits by your Mobility Mentor to:
- Assess a proportion of your herd’s feet, to discuss diseases and foot conditions and to review your foot trimming process.
- Undertake a thorough risk assessment of the farm and its current lameness management.
- Produce an action plan tailored to your farm, incorporating the following aspects of healthy feet:
- Low infection pressure
- Good horn quality and hoof shape
- Low forces on the feet (good cow comfort and cow flow)
- Early detection and prompt, effective treatment of lame cows
- On-farm training for you and your team
- At least 4 mobility scoring visits during the year by a trained scorer
- On-farm 6 – and 12-month reviews