Advanced Reproduction & Repeat Breeder Treatments
Embryo transfer
This technology has been employed in the cattle industry for many years. It allows for the genetics from particularly good animals to be multiplied quicker. This can result in greater advances in not only the productivity of a herd of cattle, but also the health and welfare. By serving your best cow with bulls with excellent genetics, many embryos can be harvested. We do this by using drugs to help super ovulate the cow at the time of service. The cow is flushed 7 days after service to obtain these embryos, which are then sorted, graded and cleaned. These embryos can then be immediately transferred into other cattle of lower genetic merit than the donor cow, or they can be frozen and stored to transfer at a later date.
You can also purchase frozen embryos from other herds and store them with us to implant into your own cows.
Repeat breeder cows
Some dairy cows can be difficult to get back into calf for many reasons. Implanting an embryo into that cow 7 days after she has been bulling has been shown to be a successful tool in getting cows pregnant which have otherwise been difficult to get in calf through AI or natural service. Studies have shown conception rates of between 40 and 50% can be achieved in using embryos in repeat breeder cows. This can help reduce the number of cows replaced through culling as a result of poor fertility – a costly exercise. We have both dairy (conventional and sexed) and beef embryos available for use in repeat breeder cows.
If you wish to discuss Embryo Transfer further with us, please don’t hesitate to contact us and speak to Ollie about how we can help you with this procedure.