Reproductive efficiency is the cornerstone of a well-managed herd or flock.
The target is to produce a live and healthy lamb or calf of the correct weight, to allow an easy delivery at the right time. It should be simple but many factors are involved before a successful outcome is achieved.
For dairy herds we offer routine fertility visits. These can be weekly, fortnightly or monthly depending on herd requirements.
Ultrasound examination allows detailed evaluation of ovaries and uterus, either to determine the need for intervention or to confirm a healthy pregnancy. All of our scanners are battery powered, allowing the freedom to work anywhere – in a shed, cattle race or in the field.

It is less easy to intervene regularly with beef cows but there are certain key periods to bear in mind.
- Calving – to aim for a ‘fit’ condition at calving requires appropriate nutrition. Cows too fat at calving can struggle to calve and may need assistance. This in turn may lead to a delay in return to oestrus.
- Bull selection – bulls should be checked prior to expecting them to start serving. Over fat animals will not work as well and semen quality may be poor. We recommend animal inspections with evaluation of semen if necessary. Semen samples can be collected on farm using the electro-ejaculation method.
- Observation – careful observation of cows at pasture will allow you to establish if the bull is working. It is often worth checking a few cows early in the season to see if they are in calf, rather than waiting until the end of the season and being disappointed!
- AI protocols – can be designed if you prefer not to use a bull, although conception rates can be lower.
- Heifer selection – if homebred heifers are retained, make sure good growth rates have been achieved prior to weaning to give them ‘a good start’.