The thought of your pet having fleas or worms isn’t a pleasant one.  There are a wide variety of products available from many sources that can be used to prevent this.  However, there is no “one size fits all” approach and no one product that is suitable for all situations.  For example, an indoor cat may have totally different requirements to an outdoor cat that hunts and eats many mice, and a household with both dogs and cats may have to be careful in the choice of product as some flea preparations for dogs are very harmful to cats.

Therefore, we recommend that you contact the surgery so that we can provide the most up to date advice and the most effective products for your particular circumstances.  We may have to see your pet if they haven’t been to the practice for over twelve months, but there would be no consultation charge for this visit.

Once your pet start on a product, we provide free text message reminders or PetsApp notifications when your flea and wormer is due.

The most effective and cost effective way to ensure your pet has the most suitable and up to date parasite control is to join our Pet Health Plan.  With this you would receive year round parasite control and an extra free six month check up as well as your annual booster consultation.

pet health plans