Senior Pets
As your pets get older you will recognise the need for more regular health checks
Age related conditions include the well known ones such as arthritis and heart failure, but it is also important to recognise that several conditions can occur simultaneously and compromised kidneys and liver may mean that certain drugs either cannot be used or the dosage rate should be altered.
Health checks are carried out at the time of your pet’s annual vaccination but additional check ups may be needed for many aging animals.
After taking a thorough history we can carry out a full clinical examination including weight checks and we can then decide if any further tests are needed. these can be done as 6 monthly health checks which are included in our pet health plans.
Our practice laboratories have trained staff and are fully equipped to do a wide range of tests with results available within just a few hours.
Conditions such as over active thyroid and high blood pressure are common in elderly cats and can be life threatening. However these conditions are easily diagnosed and usually can be successfully treated.
Owners are often alarmed by the various ‘lumps and bumps’ which occur with increasing frequency in older pets, we can usually take a small sample known as a fine needle aspirate from a conscious animal while you wait. This enables us to make a diagnosis and either put your mind at ease or recommend further action.
In addition to our laboratory facilities and blood pressure monitor, our diagnostic equipment includes up to date digital radiography, ultrasound and endoscopy, all of which are useful and safe to use in the senior pet.