We support Vet Sustain’s veterinary sustainability goals. We acknowledge that our veterinary activities, services and operations have an impact on the environment and we have identified key impacts related to our business that contribute to our environmental and carbon footprint. Through the implementation of this sustainability policy we will encourage wide reaching participation, working to reduce these impacts, whilst upholding the highest standards of animal health, welfare and clinical care for our patients.

Our practice carbon footprint is 71.13 tonnes CO2 per year. Download our report here.

We have identified the following key business activities that contribute to our overall environmental and carbon footprint:

  • Use of fossil fuels (i.e. oil and gas usage)
  • Use of electricity
  • Waste generation & disposal
  • Use of water
  • Carbon emissions from transport of personnel & animals
  • Carbon emissions from fleet vehicles
  • Carbon emissions from staff & customer travel
  • Consumption of raw materials (including prescribed drugs, medical plastics, needles)
  • Use of parasiticides
  • Use of antimicrobials
  • Procurement of goods & services

Having identified the key environmental impacts of our practice, we commit to reducing these through a journey of continual improvement. By utilising the following principles of the Vet Sustain Greener Veterinary Practice Checklist, we pledge to contribute to a healthy environment for our employees and patients through the following actions:.

  • All packaging and non-confidential waste is recycled where possible.
  • Where possible the practice will source consumable items which have been manufactured from recyclable materials.
  • We will review our day-to-day diary to ensure there is minimal driving to make it as environmentally friendly as possible. This includes the use of zone visits to minimise distances travelled.
  • We will, if possible, deliver medicines to clients if passing to reduce their travelling to the practice.
  • We encourage members of staff to drive electric vehicles if using their own vehicles.
  • The practice fleet is currently made up of vans as we have moved away from 4×4’s due to their increased carbon emissions. Over the next 10 years we will transition to a fleet of electric practice vehicles.
  • Members of staff are encouraged to cycle to work where possible or use other methods of transport to travel to and from work. Staff are aware of schemes available to support cycling and use of public transport.
  • We practice responsible use of parasiticides in all species to reduce their use. This includes through our practice worming plan, and through the use of in practice worm egg counts in farm animals.
  • We as a practice always engage in the responsible use of antimicrobials to reduce their use where possible.

We pledge to reduce our environmental impact through a journey of continual improvement and through our commitment to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) Practice Standards Accreditation Scheme Sustainability Award.