Our full Terms & Conditions can be found below.

Effective Date: 22 March 2025

These Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) govern the use of services provided by MacArthur Barstow and Gibbs, a trading name of MBG Pets Ltd (“we,” “our,”, “the Practice” or “the Surgery”). By visiting our premises, instructing us to perform services or purchasing products from us, you confirm your acceptance of these Terms. If we accept your instruction or purchase, a legally binding contract is made between us and you. These Terms apply to both personal and business customers, except where explicit reference is made to one of these customer types.

You can contact us by telephone, email, post, online messaging, our website, or by visiting one of our branches (36 Hanbury Road, Droitwich, WR9 8PW; 238 Ombersley Road, Worcester, WR3 7HB; or Unit 8, Webbs, Wychbold, WR9 0DG). We may contact you by telephone, email, post, or online messaging. Please note that references to “written” or “in writing” also includes emails. Some aspects of the Terms may not be relevant to you and we request that you ask us for clarification if required.

1. Services Provided

1.1. We provide veterinary care and services in accordance with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) Code of Conduct. This includes but is not limited to: general consultations and check-ups, vaccinations, surgical procedures, diagnostic tests (e.g., blood tests, imaging), dental care, emergency care, prescription and non-prescription medication and treatments, and euthanasia.

1.2. These services are provided by suitably qualified persons, including veterinary surgeons and Registered Veterinary Nurses. Services may also be provided with the support of nursing assistants, vet students or trainee nurses under the supervision of suitably qualified staff.

2. Appointments

2.1. Appointments must be made in advance, either via telephone, online booking, or in person. We cannot guarantee appointment availability but you are welcome to use any of our branches.

2.2. You will receive an appointment booking confirmation and reminder email if your communications preferences permit this. We cannot guarantee delivery of these emails or accept any responsibility for missed appointments.

2.3. If you are unable to attend an appointment, please inform us at least 24 hours in advance to allow us to accommodate other patients. We reserve the right to charge for missed appointments.

3. Emergencies and Out-of-Hours Care

3.1. We offer emergency care during our standard opening hours. These are published on our website.

3.2. For out-of-hours emergencies, we partner with a nearby emergency veterinary service. This is a wholly separate company with separate premises and separate pricing. All fees incurred are payable to that provider, and any disputes that arise are between you and that provider.

4. House Visits

4.1. Whilst we offer house visits, we do not guarantee their availability. We reserve the right to refuse a house visit due to distance, scheduling or staffing constraints, personal safety and/or clinical best practice.

4.2. We require a safe environment in which to work, with sufficient lighting and supplies of water and electricity.

5. Consent for Treatment

5.1. By presenting your animal for treatment, you give us consent to perform necessary procedures, diagnostics, and treatments. You will be given advice before any procedures are undertaken, with the opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification. Once you and we are satisfied, you will be asked to sign a consent form.

5.2. If the need arises for additional treatment that was not initially discussed, we will make all reasonable efforts to contact you for consent.

5.3. If you cannot be reached for approval in an emergency, we reserve the right to proceed with any necessary medical intervention.

5.4. We can accept instructions from third parties, such as close family members. Such third parties must be nominated by yourself and noted on our records. They must be over 18 and we reserve the right to refuse their instructions if we suspect they are not acting with your consent.

6. Pet Health Plans

6.1. We offer Pet Health Plans with a monthly payment. Multiple plans are available depending on the species and age of your animal. These are administered in partnership with a third party and governed by a separate set of Terms & Conditions. Please see our website or contact us for a copy of these.

6.2. The practice may require you to make an upfront payment or pay for the treatment before the plan commences.

6.3. If you cancel at any time other than on an anniversary of joining the plan, you will be required to pay the practice either the outstanding amount for (or value of) treatment received, or the monthly payment due until the anniversary of your plan, whichever is lower.

6.4. No refunds are payable for any months paid before a pet’s death, except at the discretion of the practice.

7. Reminders

7.1. We offer reminders for appointments, vaccines and parasiticides. These are offered on a complementary basis and their delivery is not guaranteed.

7.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that your animal’s vaccinations and treatments are up to date, including those needed for travel documentation.

7.3. We are not responsible for any subsequent loss resulting from missed vaccinations, treatment dates, or non-delivered reminders. If you fail to keep up with a product’s recommended interval periods, you may need to restart a course of vaccinations. You are responsible for the costs associated with this.

8. Prescriptions

8.1. Prescriptions may be obtained on request from this surgery. We require at least 24 hours’ notice to authorise and/or dispense your prescription.

8.2. A fee will be charged to cover the time, responsibility and professional indemnity costs involved. We will advise you of the cost before issuing a written prescription.

8.2.1. This fee must be paid before we issue a prescription. There is no fee for seeking the authorisation of a prescription.

8.3. Only a veterinary surgeon can issue a prescription. They may not issue the prescription unless your pet has been examined by a vet at MacArthur Barstow & Gibbs and is under the care of a vet at MacArthur Barstow & Gibbs.

8.4. The maximum period allowed since the last examination of your pet will vary according to the medication being dispensed and the condition for which the medication is required, at the discretion of the vet issuing the prescription. The maximum period allowed will never be more than 6 months.

8.5. We do not carry all items in stock and will sometimes need to order your repeat prescription from our wholesalers. We are not responsible for medication delays outside our control.

8.6. We do not automatically prepare your repeat prescriptions or products. You must contact us to request them.

8.7. Collection is the default delivery method for prescriptions and product orders. By placing a request, you agree to pay for, and collect your items during the opening hours of the branch where you placed your request. You are welcome to place orders at any of our three Pets & Exotics branches.

8.7.1. If you do not collect the products from us, we will attempt to remind you that they are ready to collect. If you fail to collect in a reasonable length of time, determined by the shelf life and expiry date of the product in question, we will return the item to stock.

8.8. Except for high value, refrigerated or bulk-quantity items, you may request delivery of your products. There will be a charge for this, to cover our postage and administrative costs. Our standard service is Royal Mail 2nd Class or similar. We are not responsible for the loss or non-delivery of items sent by post.

8.9. For online pharmacy prescriptions, please contact us before placing your order. Once clinical authorisation has been granted by one of our vets, you may place and pay for your order.

8.9.1. Please then supply us with the name of the pharmacy, your order number, and the medication required. We will issue the prescription and send it directly to the pharmacy. This process complies with industry guidance to reduce fraudulent prescriptions.

9. Charges and Payment

9.1. All services are subject to charges, and individual fees will be provided to you upon request. Except for some supplements, all medications and professional fees are subject to VAT at the current rate.

9.2. Fee levels are determined by the procedure(s), time, skills and equipment used on a case and in accordance with the cost of the medicines and consumables used.

9.3. We reserve the right to change our fees, and any such changes will be communicated on our website.

9.4. We will provide, on request, a written estimate as to the probable costs of a course of treatment. Please bear in mind that any estimate given is approximate: a pet’s illness may not follow a predictable course.

9.5. Payment is due at the time of your pet’s consultation or when collecting them after an operation. Accepted forms of payment include credit/debit card, cash, cheque, or bank transfer.

9.6. At our discretion, we may offer longer account terms for customers with a Farm or Equine account serviced by our sister company, MacArthur Barstow and Gibbs Ltd.

9.7. If payment is not received within 60 days, a 10% surcharge will be added to your balance. If payment is still not received, a further 5% will be added each following month.

9.8. We reserve the right to require upfront payment or a deposit before offering goods or services.

9.9. In certain cases, payment plans may be available; however, these must be agreed upon in advance and are subject to approval. Any arrangement can only be sanctioned with the express permission of the Accounts Manager or one of the directors.

9.10. Failure to settle payment within the agreed terms may result in further action to recover the debt. Unpaid balances will be referred to our Debt Collection Agency and further charges will be levied in respect of costs incurred in collecting the debt, including but not limited to reports, correspondence and court fees.

9.10.1. Any cheque returned by our bank as unpaid, credit card payment not honoured, or any cash that is found to be counterfeit will result in your balance being restored to the original sum with further charges added in respect of bank charges and administrative costs, together with interest at the rates stated in clause 9.7 on the principal sum.

10. Insurance

10.1. We strongly support the principle of insuring your pet to assist with the cost of veterinary care. While we can assist with providing necessary documentation for claims, it is your responsibility to ensure that your insurance covers the appropriate treatments and procedures.

10.2. We are generally willing to complete a direct claim for your animal’s treatment. We will need either a link or claim form from your insurer. Some insurance companies have a time limit on how many days after treatment you can claim, so we must receive this information in a timely manner before the insurer’s deadline.

10.3. Our direct claim handling service may be withdrawn if money is owed on your account with us, or if our systems are incompatible with your insurer.

10.4. Provided you have not already made payment to us in advance of a claim, we require that payments of claims by insurance companies be made directly to us.

10.5. You must ensure that your claim form is correctly completed and appropriately signed. We cannot be held responsible for claims that are rejected due to incorrectly completed paperwork.

10.6. Your insurance may not cover the full amount that is claimed. They may charge you an excess on each condition claimed for every policy year; an excess based on a percentage of the claim; and/or a co-payment for the amount you claim.

10.6.1. Additionally, they may make deductions for treatment or medication not covered on the policy, or they may decline your claim altogether. Full details will be in your insurer’s policy wording document.

10.7. As the policy holder, you are responsible for all charges or amounts not paid by your insurance company. A belief or understanding on your part that your insurers will meet some or all of our charges will not be a defence in respect of any claim we make against you for non-payment.

10.8. If any claim or policy-related disputes arise, these are exclusively between you and your insurer and not with MacArthur Barstow and Gibbs.

10.9. We may charge a fee for completing insurance company claim forms. This is usually levied on a per-submission basis and reflects the administrative burden associated with completing this paperwork. We will make you aware if we add such a charge to your account.

11. Client Responsibilities

11.1. You must provide accurate information about your pet’s health, medical history, and any known allergies. This must include clinical records from any previous veterinary practice(s). It is your responsibility to authorise the transfer of those records to us.

11.2. You are responsible for ensuring that your pet is brought to appointments on time and for complying with any prescribed treatments or follow-up care instructions.

11.3. Whilst on our premises, you are responsible for complying with health and safety instructions and for any vehicles or possessions that you bring.

11.4. We will not tolerate any form of abuse or aggressive behaviour towards our staff. Examples include threatening or abusive language, derogatory remarks, malicious allegations, physical aggression or criminal activity. We reserve the right to remove you from our premises and contact the police.

12. Liability

12.1. Our liability to you is limited. Any claims for damages, losses or expenses shall not exceed the limit(s) imposed by our professional indemnity insurance policy. If the claim is not covered by this policy, our total liability shall be no greater than the fees paid by you in relation to the dispute. Where a dispute relates to a continuous event, any such fees are limited to those relating to clinical work undertaken within 1 year prior to dispute engagement date.

12.2. We do not limit our liability where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury being caused to you by our negligence, for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, for breach of your legal rights, or and any other liability that may not be excluded under applicable laws.

12.3. For individual private customers, we are responsible for losses caused by our breaking of these Terms, except for those that are unforeseeable, avoidable (see clause 12.7) or caused by events outside our control.

12.4. For individual private customers, we exclude entirely our liability in respect of any direct, indirect or consequential loss, including but not limited to: property damage, transport or travel disruption, loss of income, or losses related to breeding or your business.

12.5. For customers who are trading or operating as a business, we exclude entirely our liability in respect of any direct, indirect or consequential loss, including but not limited to: property damage, loss of sales or contracts, loss of profits, business disruption, loss of savings, loss of goodwill or loss of reputation.

12.6. If you damage any of our property, goods or equipment whilst visiting our premises, you will be responsible for their repair, replacement or restocking costs. You are also responsible for any damage caused to our vehicles, goods or equipment whilst we visit your premises.

12.7. We are not liable for any losses caused by you failing to follow oral or written instructions, such as veterinary advice, pre- and post-operative instructions, medicine instructions given by us, or manufacturer instructions for products that we recommend for your animal(s). This includes the administration and storage guidance for such products.

13. Complaints and Standards

We hope that you never have recourse to complain about the standards of service received from MacArthur Barstow & Gibbs. However, should you wish to raise a complaint, please direct your comments as follows:
13.1. A complaint may be submitted in writing, by phone or in person. Please provide your contact information and as much detail as possible so we can deal with your concerns effectively. In the first instance, please contact your usual branch or complete the Feedback form at the bottom of our website.

13.2. Your complaint will be passed to our Accounts Manager or Practice Manager, who will liase with you and attempt to seek an immediate resolution. If this is not possible, they will escalate your complaint.

13.3. We will formally acknowledge such complaints within 14 days and aim to resolve them within 28 days. If additional investigation is necessary and this is likely to take longer than 28 days, we will keep you informed of our progress and the expected timeline for resolution.

13.4. After investigation we will contact you with our findings. If appropriate, we will also inform you of any steps we have taken – or plan to take – to address the issue. If you are concerned that we have not addressed your complaint and require further information, we would recommend that you contact the Veterinary Client Mediation Service (www.vetmediation.co.uk)

13.5. If the issue remains unresolved, your complaint can be sent to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS).

14. Ownership of Records

14.1. Case records including clinical histories, radiographs and similar documents are the property of, and will be retained by, MBG Pets Ltd. If these are requested by another veterinary surgeon or practice, we will seek your consent before sending them.

15. Data Protection and Privacy

15.1. We comply with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Your personal data will be processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which can be found on our website or upon request.

15.2. Please note that your data will be shared with our sister company, MacArthur Barstow and Gibbs Ltd; and if required, our appointed Debt Collection Agency.

16. Right to Refuse Treatment

16.1. We reserve the right to refuse treatment to any animal if we believe it is in the animal’s best interest, or if you do not provide the information that we require for treatment.

16.2. We reserve the right to ask you to leave our premises if you do not comply with clauses 11.1 to 11.4 (Client Responsibilities) or clauses 18.1 to 18.3 (Recording Devices) of these terms. We may also decline to offer you veterinary services in the future.

16.3. We reserve the right to decline offering veterinary services without giving you a reason. We may explain our decision making but we are not required to do so.

16.4. Services will be declined if you have a history of unpaid debt with us or our sister company, MacArthur Barstow and Gibbs Ltd.

17. Withdrawal of Services

17.1. In exceptional circumstances, we may choose to stop providing our services to you. We will provide written notice of at least 30 days and will continue to offer emergency treatment during the notice period.

17.2. It is your responsibility to find a new veterinary practice during that notice period, and to inform us of their details. We will then pass any veterinary records to them.

18. Recording Devices

18.1. We operate CCTV at our branches for the purposes of crime prevention and the security of our customers and staff. We reserve the right to extend this into our consultation areas if required.

18.2. It is prohibited to use any recording devices to capture our provision of veterinary services on our or your premises. If found, you will be asked to stop recording and delete the photo, video or audio recordings.

18.3. We reserve the right to take legal action against anyone who captures and/or disseminates these recordings.

19. Changes to these Terms and Conditions

19.1. We reserve the right to update or modify these Terms at any time. Any changes will be posted in our premises and on our website. We encourage you to review these Terms periodically to stay informed about any updates.

19.2. No addition or variation of these conditions will bind the practice unless it is specifically agreed in writing and signed by one of the practice directors. No agent or person employed by, or under contract with, the practice has the authority to alter or vary these conditions in any way.

19.3. You will need our written consent to transfer your account and/or rights under these Terms to another party.

19.4. We can delay enforcement of these Terms. For example, we may not initially chase you for payment but that does not prevent us from doing so at a later date.

20. Governing Law

20.1. These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of England and Wales. Any legal disputes arising from these Terms will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

20.2. Each clause in these terms operates separately. If a court finds part of these Terms illegal, the rest of the clauses will remain in force.

Effective Date: 22 March 2025

These Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) govern the use of services provided by MacArthur Barstow and Gibbs, a trading name of MacArthur Barstow and Gibbs Ltd (“we,” “our,”, “the Practice” or “the Surgery”). By visiting our premises, instructing us to perform services or purchasing products from us, you confirm your acceptance of these Terms. If we accept your instruction or purchase, a legally binding contract is made between us and you. These Terms apply to both personal and business customers, except where explicit reference is made to one of these customer types.

You can contact us by telephone, email, post, online messaging, our website, or by visiting our office (The Coach House, Dodderhill Court, Crutch Lane, Droitwich, WR9 0BE). We may contact you by telephone, email, post, or online messaging. Please note that references to “written” or “in writing” also includes emails. Some aspects of the Terms may not be relevant to you and we request that you ask us for clarification if required.

1. Services Provided

1.1. We provide veterinary care and services in accordance with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) Code of Conduct. This includes but is not limited to: general consultations and check-ups, vaccinations, surgical procedures, diagnostic tests (e.g., blood tests, imaging), dental care, emergency care, prescription and non-prescription medication and treatments, and euthanasia.

1.2. These services are provided by suitably qualified persons, including veterinary surgeons, Approved Tuberculin (‘lay’) Testers, or Registered Veterinary Nurses. Services may also be provided with the support of veterinary technicians, nursing assistants, or vet students under the supervision of suitably qualified staff.

2. Appointments and Visits

2.1. As standard, appointments are carried out at your premises. We do not provide inpatient facilities or consulting areas, but we may agree to meet you and your animal at a suitable location near our Dodderhill offices.

2.2. Appointments must be made in advance via telephone, an online booking request, or in person. We cannot guarantee appointment availability.

2.3. We offer lower cost Equine Zone Visits for routine vaccinations, teeth, prescription checks and follow up blood tests. These visits are offered on specific days, determined by your horse’s location within our geographical zones.

2.3.1. No choice of vet or appointment time will be given at the point of booking. You will be contacted by the vet on the day to give you an indication of their arrival time. This arrival time is not guaranteed.

2.3.2. All Zone Visits must be fully paid upfront before the visit takes place. Any additional costs incurred during the visit will be charged to your account and invoiced in accordance with your account type.

2.3.3. Zone Visits are only available to you if all outstanding balances on your account are paid.

2.4. We reserve the right to refuse a visit due to distance, scheduling or staffing constraints, personal safety and/or clinical best practice.

2.5. Whilst we will make every effort to arrive at your premises at the agreed appointment time, we cannot guarantee our timely arrival. This may be due to new emergency calls, previous calls proving more complex than expected, and events outside our control such as traffic.

2.6. If you are unable to keep an appointment, please inform us at least 24 hours in advance to allow us to accommodate other bookings. We reserve the right to charge for missed appointments and wasted visits.

3. Emergencies and Out-of-Hours Care

3.1. We offer emergency care during our standard opening hours. These are published on our website.

3.2. We offer our own out-of-hours emergency service. Any emergencies during these times must be logged through our answering service, accessible by calling our usual telephone number. They will then contact the duty vet(s). Please do not contact our vets directly.

3.3. Our out-of-hours call charges are higher than our standard charges. These are published on our website.

4. Consent for Treatment

4.1. By presenting your animal to us for treatment, you give us consent to perform necessary procedures, diagnostics, and treatments. You will be given advice before any procedures are undertaken, with the opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification. Once you and we are satisfied, you will be asked to sign a consent form.

4.2. If the need arises for additional treatment that was not initially discussed, we will make all reasonable efforts to contact you for consent.

4.3. If you cannot be reached for approval in an emergency, we reserve the right to proceed with any necessary medical intervention.

4.4. We can accept instructions from third parties, such as close family members. Such third parties must be nominated by yourself and noted on our records. They must be over 18 and we reserve the right to refuse their instructions if we suspect they are not acting with your consent.

5. Equine Health Plans and Worming Programmes

5.1. We may offer Equine Health Plans or Annual Worming Programmes with a fixed payment. Multiple plans may be available depending on the species and age of your animal, and the features provided. These are governed by a separate set of Terms & Conditions. Please see our website or contact us for a copy of these.

5.2. Upfront payment is required for our Worming Programme. If we offer Health Plans, the payment terms will be published on our website.

5.3. If you cancel at any time other than on an anniversary of joining the plan, you will be required to pay the practice either the outstanding amount for treatment received, or the monthly payment due until the anniversary of your plan, whichever is lower.

5.4. For worming programmes or plans with inclusive testing, it is your responsibility to bring samples to the surgery.

5.5. No refunds are payable except at the discretion of the practice.

6. Reminders

6.1. We offer reminders for vaccines and some routine treatments or certifications. These are offered on a complementary basis and their delivery is not guaranteed.

6.2. It is your responsibility to ensure that your animal’s vaccinations and treatments are up to date, including those needed for racing, competition or travel documentation.

6.3. We are not responsible for any subsequent loss resulting from missed vaccinations, treatment dates, or non-delivered reminders. If you fail to keep up with a product’s recommended interval periods, you may need to restart a course of vaccinations. You are responsible for the costs associated with this.

7. Prescriptions

7.1. Prescriptions may be obtained on request from this surgery. We require at least 24 hours’ notice to authorise and/or dispense your prescription.

7.2. A fee will be charged to cover the time, responsibility and professional indemnity costs involved. We will advise you of the cost before issuing a written prescription.

7.2.1. This fee must be paid before we issue a prescription. There is no fee for seeking the authorisation of a prescription.

7.3. Only a veterinary surgeon can issue a prescription. They may not issue the prescription unless your animal, herd or flock has been examined by a vet at MacArthur Barstow & Gibbs Ltd and is under the care of a vet at MacArthur Barstow & Gibbs Ltd.

7.4. The maximum period allowed since the last examination of your animal will vary according to the medication being dispensed and the condition for which the medication is required, at the discretion of the vet issuing the prescription. The maximum period allowed will never be more than 6 months.

7.5. We do not carry all items in stock and will sometimes need to order your repeat prescription from our wholesalers. We are not responsible for medication delays outside our control.

7.6. Collection is the default delivery method for prescriptions and product orders. By placing a request, you agree to pay for, and collect your items during our office opening hours.

7.6.1. If you do not collect the products from us, we will attempt to remind you that they are ready to collect. If you fail to collect in a reasonable length of time, determined by the shelf life and expiry date of the product in question, we will return the item to stock.

7.7. Except for high value, refrigerated or bulk-quantity items, you may request delivery of your products. There will be a charge for this, to cover our postage and administrative costs. Our standard service is Royal Mail 2nd Class or similar. We are not responsible for the loss or non-delivery of items sent by post.

7.8. Complementary drop off may be offered to you if a vet is close to your premises. This is at our discretion and can only take place if there is a safe and secure location to leave medications. You are responsible for the medications from the point at which we drop them off.

7.9. For online pharmacy prescriptions, please contact us before placing your order. Once clinical authorisation has been granted by one of our vets, you may place and pay for your order.

7.9.1. Please then supply us with the name of the pharmacy, your order number, and the medication required. We will issue the prescription and send it directly to the pharmacy. This process complies with industry guidance to reduce fraudulent prescriptions.

8. Charges and Payment

8.1. All services are subject to charges, and individual fees will be provided to you upon request. Except for some supplements, all medications and professional fees are subject to VAT at the current rate.

8.2. Fee levels are determined by the procedure(s), time, skills and equipment used on a case and in accordance with the cost of the medicines and consumables used.

8.3. We reserve the right to change our fees, and any such changes will be communicated on our website.

8.4. We may charge an excess mileage fee if you are located outside of our usual operating area. You will be informed of this when making your initial enquiry.

8.5. We will provide, on request, a written estimate as to the probable costs of a course of treatment. Please bear in mind that any estimate given is approximate: an animal’s illness may not follow a predictable course.

8.6. Please be aware that where unexpected problems and complications occur, your costs are likely to increase. You are fully liable for these additional costs.

8.7. We reserve the right to require upfront payment or a deposit before offering goods or services.

8.8. New clients are required to pay an account deposit of £150 including VAT prior to their first visit or consultation.

8.8.1. Should the costs associated with that consultation exceed £150, full payment is required within 24 hours of the consultation or invoice date, whichever is sooner.

8.9. An itemised invoice will be produced after each visit/treatment of your animal, or counter sale from our pharmacy. This will be sent to you in accordance with your client profile (farm or equine) and client type (consumer or business).

8.9.1. By way of example, a consolidated itemised invoice (and account summary) is sent to farm business accounts at the end of each calendar month. Equine and consumer accounts may have shorter intervals: please contact us for more information.

8.10. Regardless of your client profile or type, all invoices and account summaries will be sent electronically to the email address provided by you. Paper copies sent by post will be sent by request only, and we reserve the right to introduce a charge for this method.

8.11. Payment is required within 30 days of the invoice date. Accepted forms of payment include credit/debit card, cash, cheque, or bank transfer.

8.12. We reserve the right to require payment sooner than within 30 days of the invoice date. We will make you aware if this applies to you and will inform you of your new payment period.

8.13. Any invoice queries should be raised with our accounts department within 14 calendar days of the invoice date. Failure to notify us of any queries after that period will confirm your acceptance of the invoice and your total account balance.

8.14. If payment is not received within 30 days of the invoice date, a 10% surcharge will be added to your balance. If payment is not received within 60 days of the invoice date, an additional 5% per month will be added to your balance.

8.15. If you anticipate being unable to settle your invoice(s) by the due date, we ask that you discuss this matter with us as soon as possible. In exceptional cases only, payment plans may be available; however, these must be agreed upon in advance and are subject to approval. Any arrangement can only be sanctioned with the express permission of the Accounts Manager or one of the directors.

8.16. Failure to settle payment within the agreed terms may result in further action to recover the debt. Unpaid balances older than 90 days will be referred to our Debt Collection Agency and further charges will be levied in respect of costs incurred in collecting the debt, including but not limited to reports, correspondence and court fees.

8.16.1. Any cheque returned by our bank as unpaid, credit card payment not honoured, or any cash that is found to be counterfeit will result in your balance being restored to the original sum with further charges added in respect of bank charges and administrative costs, together with interest at the rates stated in clause 8.13 on the principal sum.

9. Equine Insurance

9.1. We strongly support the principle of insuring your horse to assist with the cost of veterinary care. While we can assist with providing necessary documentation for claims, it is your responsibility to ensure that your insurance covers the appropriate treatments and procedures.

9.2. We are generally willing to complete a direct claim for your horse’s treatment. We will need either a link or claim form from your insurer. Some insurance companies have a time limit on how many days after treatment you can claim, so we must receive this information in a timely manner before the insurer’s deadline.

9.3. Our direct claim handling service may be withdrawn if money is owed on your account with us, or if our systems are incompatible with your insurer.

9.4. Provided you have not already made payment to us in advance of a claim, we require that payments of claims by insurance companies be made directly to us.

9.5. You must ensure that your claim form is correctly completed and appropriately signed. We cannot be held responsible for claims that are rejected due to incorrectly completed paperwork.

9.6. Your insurance may not cover the full amount that is claimed. They may charge you an excess on each condition claimed for every policy year; an excess based on a percentage of the claim; and/or a co-payment for the amount you claim.

9.6.1. Additionally, they may make deductions for treatment or medication not covered on the policy, or they may decline your claim altogether. Full details will be in your insurer’s policy wording document.

9.7. As the policy holder, you are responsible for all charges or amounts not paid by your insurance company. A belief or understanding on your part that your insurers will meet some or all of our charges will not be a defence in respect of any claim we make against you for non-payment.

9.8. If any claim or policy-related disputes arise, these are exclusively between you and your insurer and not with MacArthur Barstow and Gibbs.

9.9. We may charge a fee for completing insurance company claim forms. This is usually levied on a per-submission basis and reflects the administrative burden associated with completing this paperwork. We will make you aware if we add such a charge to your account.

10. Passports

10.1. It is a legal requirement that all horses, ponies and donkeys have a valid passport. This must accompany the animal during transport and is required should we refer your animal to a specialist hospital for admission.

10.2. You must endorse your passport (normally section IX in an old passport and section II in a new passport) to confirm whether the animal is intended for human consumption. If your animal’s passport is presented to us unsigned, we reserve the right to sign this as not intended for human consumption. This will allow us to treat the animal according to its clinical needs and to ensure that it never enters the human food chain.

10.3. In exceptional circumstances, where a passport is not available, a detailed record of medicinal products administered to the animal will be retained. You will need to keep a record of this treatment. This information is provided on your invoice.

11. Client Responsibilities

11.1. You must provide accurate information about your animal’s health, medical history, and any known allergies. This must include clinical records from any previous veterinary practice(s). It is your responsibility to authorise the transfer of those records to us.

11.2. You are responsible for ensuring your animal, flock or herd is presented on time and in a safe manner for our visits, and for complying with any prescribed treatments or follow-up care instructions.

11.3. We require a safe environment in which to work, with sufficient lighting and supplies of water and electricity.

11.4. We reserve the right to refuse to examine animals or undertake procedures should facilities be considered unsafe by a member of our staff.

11.4.1. For cattle work we expect a minimum of a cattle crush and a competent stock person.

11.4.2. For horses and other species, we require a competent handler who is appropriately dressed (including protective footwear) and able to access to a hard hat should the vet consider this necessary.

11.5. Whilst on our premises, you are responsible for complying with health and safety instructions and for any vehicles or possessions that you bring.

11.6. We will not tolerate any form of abuse or aggressive behaviour towards our staff. Examples include threatening or abusive language, derogatory remarks, malicious allegations, physical aggression or criminal activity. We reserve the right to remove you from our premises and contact the police.

12. Liability

12.1. Our liability to you is limited. Any claims for damages, losses or expenses shall not exceed the limit(s) imposed by our professional indemnity insurance policy. If the claim is not covered by this policy, our total liability shall be no greater than the fees paid by you in relation to the dispute. Where a dispute relates to a continuous event, any such fees are limited to those relating to clinical work undertaken within 1 year prior to dispute engagement date.

12.2. We do not limit our liability where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury being caused to you by our negligence, for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, for breach of your legal rights, or and any other liability that may not be excluded under applicable laws.

12.3. For individual private customers, we are responsible for losses caused by our breaking of these Terms, except for those that are unforeseeable, avoidable (see clause 12.8) or caused by events outside our control.

12.4. For individual private customers, we exclude entirely our liability in respect of any direct, indirect or consequential loss, including but not limited to: property damage, transport or travel disruption, loss of income, or losses related to breeding or your business.

12.5. For customers who are trading or operating as a business, we exclude entirely our liability in respect of any direct, indirect or consequential loss, including but not limited to: property damage, loss of sales or contracts, loss of profits, business disruption, loss of savings, loss of goodwill or loss of reputation.

12.6. If you damage any of our property, goods or equipment whilst visiting our premises, you will be responsible for their repair, replacement or restocking costs. You are also responsible for any damage caused to our vehicles, goods or equipment whilst we visit your premises.

12.7. We are not liable for any losses caused by you failing to follow oral or written instructions, such as veterinary advice, pre- and post-operative instructions, medicine instructions given by us, or manufacturer instructions for products that we recommend for your animal(s). This includes the administration and storage guidance for such products.

13. Complaints and Standards

We hope that you never have recourse to complain about the standards of service received from MacArthur Barstow & Gibbs. However, should you wish to raise a complaint, please direct your comments as follows:
13.1. A complaint may be submitted in writing, by phone or in person. Please provide your contact information and as much detail as possible so we can deal with your concerns effectively. In the first instance, please contact your usual branch or complete the Feedback form at the bottom of our website.

13.2. Your complaint will be passed to our Accounts Manager or Practice Manager, who will liase with you and attempt to seek an immediate resolution. If this is not possible, they will escalate your complaint.

13.3. We will formally acknowledge such complaints within 14 days and aim to resolve them within 28 days. If additional investigation is necessary and this is likely to take longer than 28 days, we will keep you informed of our progress and the expected timeline for resolution.

13.4. After investigation we will contact you with our findings. If appropriate, we will also inform you of any steps we have taken – or plan to take – to address the issue. If you are concerned that we have not addressed your complaint and require further information, we would recommend that you contact the Veterinary Client Mediation Service (www.vetmediation.co.uk)

13.5. If the issue remains unresolved, your complaint can be sent to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS).

14. Ownership of Records

14.1. Case records including clinical histories, radiographs and similar documents are the property of, and will be retained by, MacArthur Barstow & Gibbs Ltd. If these are requested by another veterinary surgeon or practice, we will seek your consent before sending them.

15. Data Protection and Privacy

15.1. We comply with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Your personal data will be processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which can be found on our website or upon request.

15.2. Please note that your data will be shared with our sister company, MBG Pets Ltd; and if required, our appointed Debt Collection Agency.

16. Right to Refuse Treatment

16.1. We reserve the right to refuse treatment to any animal if we believe it is in the animal’s best interest, if your facilities are considered unsafe by a member of our staff, or if you do not provide the information that we require for treatment.

16.2. We reserve the right to ask you to leave our premises if you do not comply with clauses 11.1 to 11.6 (Client Responsibilities) or clauses 18.1 to 18.3 (Recording Devices) of these terms. We may also decline to offer you veterinary services in the future.

16.3. We reserve the right to decline offering veterinary services without giving you a reason. We may explain our decision making but we are not required to do so.

16.4. Services will be declined if you have a history of unpaid debt with us or our sister company, MBG Pets Ltd.

17. Withdrawal of Services

17.1. In exceptional circumstances, we may choose to stop providing our services to you. We will provide written notice of at least 30 days and will continue to offer emergency treatment during the notice period.

17.2. It is your responsibility to find a new veterinary practice during that notice period, and to inform us of their details. We will then pass any veterinary records to them.

18. Recording Devices

18.1. We operate CCTV at our office for the purposes of crime prevention and the security of our customers and staff. We reserve the right to extend this or other recording methods into our consultations if required.

18.2. It is prohibited to use any recording devices to capture our provision of veterinary services on our or your premises. If found, you will be asked to stop recording and delete the photo, video or audio recordings.

18.3. We reserve the right to take legal action against anyone who captures and/or disseminates these recordings.

19. Changes to these Terms and Conditions

19.1. We reserve the right to update or modify these Terms at any time. Any changes will be posted in our premises and on our website. We encourage you to review these Terms periodically to stay informed about any updates.

19.2. No addition or variation of these conditions will bind the practice unless it is specifically agreed in writing and signed by one of the practice directors. No agent or person employed by, or under contract with, the practice has the authority to alter or vary these conditions in any way.

19.3. You will need our written consent to transfer your account and/or rights under these Terms to another party.

19.4. We can delay enforcement of these Terms. For example, we may not initially chase you for payment but that does not prevent us from doing so at a later date.

20. Governing Law

20.1. These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of England and Wales. Any legal disputes arising from these Terms will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

20.2. Each clause in these terms operates separately. If a court finds part of these Terms illegal, the rest of the clauses will remain in force.